Saturday, October 31, 2015

New addition

So I've been thinking for a while of getting another cat.. since Mudge passed, it felt weird having just one. It also seemed like Odd (other cat) was bored.. he followed me around meowing non-stop when I get home from work. I am not sure why.. he always was talkative, but I think he gets bored home alone all day.
I was putting off looking for a new cat because my apartment is a bit of a mess.. well was.. I've made progress on that. It's a mix of bulimia related mess (food packages everywhere).. and then too much stuff. I have a million (well not quite) clothes that are too big.. I kept buying food I never eat (lots of beans).. and then other stuff like gifts and random purchases piled up. A lot of that happened during my drinking.. the stuff/mess part.. and I just couldn't deal with it when I first got sober. For a month or two of sobriety, there were empty vodka bottles all over my apartment because I was scared to touch them. I did manage to clean that up early on. The rest has been a work in progress.

I finally decided that the apartment was good enough, and honestly I've just been crazy lately.. not wanting to get out of bed, binging purging daily, and just generally not functioning.. and I decided maybe a new pet would help. Not sure if that logic makes sense, but I decided it did.

So meet Nermal.. that's her new name. He pre-adoption name was Elvira, and that just wasn't a good name.. so I had picked out Nermal.. even though I think Nermal (think Garfield comics) was a boy, but that's not important.

She's 11 weeks old.. though I swear she seems younger. She is much smaller than she looks in the 2nd picture.. Getting her to stand/sit still for a photo just wasn't working out. I adopted her from the SPCA. A friend from AA went with me, which was nice because for some reason I was super nervous about this. I've had really bad social anxiety lately, so at the pet store (they have cats there for adoption from different groups) my friend helped with finding someone to help us and getting everything filled out. I just picked a kitten.. and honestly I wanted a girl, and she was the only girl kitten.. so that was easy. I picked her up and she started purring, and even though I kinda wanted someone a little older.. I just couldn't not take her home.
She made herself right at home.. exploring the bedroom.. periodically coming over to meow at me. She slept on the bed for a little while when I was laying there. She's pretty fearless. Odd is uncertain about her. He hissed a couple times and then sat around watching her. He followed her a bit.. there's been some chasing but no more hissing. They both slept on the bed for a bit. Now I'm typing and she's climbing all over me and the desk chair. I am guessing by the purring that she's happy here. It's nice because I remember when I got Mudge, she hid under the bed the whole first day. I was convinced somehow that I did a terrible thing bringing her home.. I mean obviously not, and Mudge had a very happy life. This kitten not so worried about. I just hope her brother likes her.. they seem to be getting along alright. I'm sure they'll be good. 


  1. My first cats fought for weeks before they got used to each other; I thought I was going to have to give one of them up, it was so bad!

    1. They seem to be getting along now.. have had to break up chasing a few times because I don't think Odd realizes he's 5 times her size.. but then just now she was next to him and he started licking her head. I think it'll be ok. I really was scared leaving them alone at first.
