Tuesday, March 17, 2015

An explanation of my absence

I was going to write tonight.. but I really should go to bed. I am going to give a brief explanation of why I'm avoiding writing instead.. there's a couple reasons.
1. I'm fucking exhausted. I'm still working evenings, so I'm not getting home until after 9 pm. I'm not going to bed until after 1am usually.. and at least some of that time has been doing schoolwork and necessary things. Reason 2 will address the rest

2. I'm fucking insane.. well that may be exaggerating? I don't know. We'll go with the eating disorder is bad, and I've been determined to not let this blog become as eating disordered as some I've had in the past.. meaning when I decide to post about therapy or recovery or anything like that I may post it here. When I am indulging the insanity, I am spending my time elsewhere. Lately, the eating disorder is tending to get more worse than better. I am not planning on abandoning the blog, but I just haven't had much to write. If you comment, I will try to answer.

I am still alive though and relatively well. Still going to AA. Spent the last couple evenings at my sponsor's house. Still taking my meds. Seeing my therapist Thursday unfortunately.. haven't made the effort to find someone else yet. Work is going well. I'm improving. School is.. school.


  1. Good to hear from you, and glad you're making meetings. If it helps to write about the ED here, please do so. Sometimes it helps to get it all out of the echo chamber in your head.


  2. Good to see an update from you. I think it's a positive that you don't want your blog to become a pile of ED thoughts. But just know we're here to listen and support if/when you choose to talk about it. Like A said, sometimes it helps just getting it out of your head.

    Keep hanging in there xx

  3. I'm glad you're going to the eetings.

    Remember that this is your blog, you decide what goes on here :)
