Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I have to say.. the tremors are starting to scare me. Not sure why they were worse today.. maybe stress because I have an exam tomorrow. It wasn't just my hands. I just felt shaky in general. My hands were especially bad when I was holding things (like my phone).

It got to the point that I was watching video lectures for a class, and in another tab I was searching for rehab places. I was trying to see if anyone does scholarships or financial assistance. I have insurance, but it only pays 80%, so I'm still going to end up owing at least a thousand dollars. The out of pocket maximum is 2000 for some things and another 2000 for copays. I cannot afford that. I don't even have a job for this summer, so after my last paycheck from teaching I would be living on leftover student loan money. It didn't help that one of the example problems for the statistic lectures was cocaine addiction and relapse.

I didn't find anywhere that would work. Well, I'd have to call some places, and I'm not ready to do that. I'm more concerned with finding a job once school is over. I know it's wrong, but my health always comes last.

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