Saturday, October 4, 2014

Quick update

So things are going ok. I was delivered to my sponsor's house Friday. We went to 2 meetings. Her younger daughter (9?) really likes me. It's kinda awkward because I don't have that much energy. The other (13 or 14) talks to me some but not a lot. I'm ok with that. They both seem used to having people from aa around.

We got back and watched American Horror Story on Netflix for a couple hours. I kinda slept on her giant couch. Didn't sleep very well.

Woke up early. We went to a meeting at 10. We ate lunch, and then another meeting.

Then it got weird. I went to a guy from AA's apartment. He does hypnosis. It was pretty weird. I was supposed to be visualizing an elevator. Couldn't manage that well, but I was definitely out of it. After that we (him, me, and another girl) watched a movie. My sponsor called him to see when I was being returned. He is a nice guy. He's dating one of my AA friends. 

Now we're going to some campsite to meet some other people and cook dinner. Not very thrilled with this, but I am trying not to argue. I am sleeping at her place again tonight. 

I am having tremors, but no other problems. Apparently all the women now know I am detoxing. They told me to stay hydrated and if I start hallucinating, to go to the hospital. That seems pretty obvious, but I appreciate their concerns. 


  1. It sounds like you're being taken care of. Good.

  2. Thinking of you this weekend, wishing you luck!

    Also, I've commented before, but I don't have/want a Google account. So I'll just sign as "A" so you'll know it's me. :)

