Thursday, February 3, 2022

Reading and remembering

 So since I've decided to come back to this blog, I decided I should reread old entries. I'm not sure why I thought this was a good idea because in the past my rule was that I wasn't allowed to read old journals. If I did read them, it was often in an effort to sabotage any progress I had made. It's just that I tend to journal the negative things. I tried guided journals that have you write about gratitude and hope, and it just isn't what I am trying to accomplish when I journal. Here is a little different because I write under the assumption that someone will read it, which may or may not be the case. That means I also tend to journal objectively and explain events that occurred and about people in my life. I just try to include what happened before I process my feelings about it. 

Still, I'm currently reading from 2016, and there's not a whole lot positive that happened that year. My life consisted of drinking and working and sleeping and very little else. I try to forget those years when I was drinking for a couple of reasons. 1) It was a very negative time and I was very sick. I was living in an apartment that was a total mess. I was drinking and cutting. I had pretty much lost all friends. 2) Despite that, I miss those days. I miss being physically sick and so weak I couldn't carry things up stairs. I miss being able to numb out everything with alcohol. I miss my job and my apartment even if it was unlivable. I miss my AA friends.

So I honestly think that I am reading this as self sabotage again. Trigger warning for this. I am currently self destructive and a little suicidal, and I'm not really actively trying to change that. I lied about the extent of the self harm and the suicidal thoughts to both my therapist and the PA that does my meds. I ordered razors and first aid supplies on Amazon. I told myself that's progress because cutting has a much lower risk of infection than the burning I was doing, and it heals faster. I can't really explain why I don't want the suicidal thoughts to go away. I think the best I can explain it is that I read a book about borderline personality disorder that left me viewing suicide attempts as a massive form of self harm. I also over the years have encountered staff in hospitals that didn't really take me seriously if I was just suicidal but hadn't actually done anything; so if I'm going to end up back inpatient (which seems likely), I feel like I need to do something. 

The biggest thing I miss right now is other people. I miss having friends. I miss having coworkers. I miss having anyone in my life that wasn't my parents or my brother. You might thing that would inspire me to reach out to them, but I am also reading this and seeing how toxic I was. That particular job... I made no effort to hide the self harm. They knew about my drinking. I left at least twice.. maybe it's 3 times to go IP, but mostly I worried people. It's the same with people from AA. I was way to dependent on a couple of people, and that generally means when I go downhill they are the ones to get hurt. I can't bring myself to reach out to them when I am doing quite badly. It would be unfair to them. Although as I am writing this, I at least posted a photo on facebook so that they know I'm alive. 

I also miss my independence despite the fact that I was clearly not doing a good job at living on my own. I write about going shopping and wandering around stores all the time. I write about sleeping past noon (I was working 3:30PM-12AM at the time). I also miss the freedom to drink, which makes no sense because I was so mentally and physically unwell. I had to go to the ER more than once for dehydration and low potassium because I kept vomiting everyday. In some ways being physically unwell made me feel better because at least it was visible. Depression tends to be invisible, or at least I make an effort to hide it. 

I don't know. I think I am rambling. The synopsis is that I am rereading this blog, and I think it's to sabotage myself. I need to stop, but I keep going. 


  1. I've been doing the same lately, reading back through old posts (and journals in my case). Again, mostly for self-sabotage. It's stupid how our brains convince us it's a good idea. Stupid question from captain obvious here, but have you told your therapist about this?

    It's sad how hard it is to get onto disability, and even sadder that it's not surprising. They make it a real struggle here too. I had tried for a couple of years before my specialists made it happen. But I have to say, it's disgusting that they're using alcoholism against you. It's not necessarily the problem in itself, but a symptom of a much deeper problem, but it sounds like they don't see that.

    I'm glad to see you posting again. Keep hanging in there xx

    1. Honestly, I haven't told my therapist a lot of what's going on. I really think I'm going to change therapists soon because I don't see this one working out for several reasons. That means it feels pointless being honest with someone I won't continue to see.. although I admit I probably should still tell her what's going on. Thank you for replying. I'm glad to hear from you too.
