Thursday, February 24, 2022


 I swear if I have a breakdown in the near future, this is going to be why. Actually, it all may or may not be a result of skipping my Wellbutrin. I've basically gotten myself into the vicious cycle with caffeine. It started somewhat innocently with drinking an extra cup of coffee because I was tired. At some point, I decided coffee was not going to cut it. I had bought some OTC diet pills that are mostly just caffeine pills. I took them once, and they made me nauseous. I decided to not take them. Then I started feeling exhausted, and I decided those were the solution. Except taking one wasn't enough. I took them twice a day (which is actually what the bottle recommends). I was still exhausted, and I decided it was cheaper and more practical to just buy caffeine pills. Somehow, 2 pills became 4. Then of course I started sleeping poorly.. waking up a lot, trouble falling asleep. That meant I was more tired, so I kept consuming more caffeine. Now, I've reached a point where I am both physically and emotionally exhausted. I don't know how to stop the pills. I know I need to take the Wellbutrin and cut back the caffeine, but that's all easier said than done. I think this is going to end up with me inpatient.

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