Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The boss

I decided to talk to my boss at work (the chief toxicologist) about the drinking and me going inpatient. After a lot of thought, I decided I would rather she find out from me than the manager because I could answer any questions she might have while their knowledge of things is limited. I also realized that in all likelihood she would notice I wasn't around and probably would ask about it, so she probably would find out. I discussed it briefly with a coworker who agreed that it was best I told her.

I asked the boss if I could talk to her as she was getting ready to leave. We went outside to talk. Once I was there I wasn't entirely sure what to say. I said I have a pretty severe drinking problem and was planning to take a week off to deal with it and get help. She seemed really surprised and said she never suspected this because I am such a dependable employee. That made me feel a bit better. I told her I had talked to the manager and my supervisor and that I wanted to do this before things get busier, which she appreciated. She asked a few questions but thankfully did not ask how much I drink. She recommended I reach out to HR about the employee assistance program. She was really sweet about everything. She said to let her know if she can help and that I can always call her. I actually have known her longer than I have had the job because she went to school with me. She also knows about all the school shit because I talked to her about it at some point to find out if my job was at risk if I gave up on school. She was super sweet about that too. I am glad that I told her before taking time off. I really didn't want her to think I was hiding things or didn't trust her. So this was probably best. I am fairly certain she would have found out eventually, although I was happy that she hadn't suspected anything because it means my work is ok still. Honestly, I talk to her very little, which is probably why she hasn't noticed the tremors. The manager first talked to me after I showed her something on my computer and pointed to something with a clearly shaking hand. I have on multiple occasions shown papers and things to my supervisor, so I wasn't surprised he caught on. Plus, I had mentioned the drinking before while I was sober to explain why I couldn't go to an event where alcohol would be present. So he actually knew about the drinking before I relapsed. Now I just need to think about what to say to coworkers when I get back. The fact that I planned this in advance rather than the day it happened will probably make it easier. Honestly, nobody really asked last time.

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