Saturday, June 11, 2016

Work weirdness

So work was odd today. I am rather upset with the manager who decided she didn't have time to close her QC cases, so we got to do it. She didn't tell anyone until asked. I sent an email to my supervisor about it. I started typing and one of my coworkers asked if I was sending an angry email because I guess I type pretty loudly when I'm upset. Somehow after everything was done, we had a bitch fest about the supervisor. Not really sure how that started.

After most people left, I was talking to a coworker. She's the one that I have told about the drinking. She asked if the manager had said anything else to me about it. I told her she hadn't. I told her I was thinking of taking time off to get help.  She was really supportive and agreed I should do it soon. I talked about being able to take medical leave but not wanting to go unless the manager and everyone was OK with it. We discussed who I should talk to first. It was a good conversation. I talked about the supervisor telling the boss things and how I am having trouble trusting him, and she agreed he shouldn't have or at least should have told me before and given me a chance to tell them myself. Glad that I am not alone in thinking that. Her I trust to keep this to herself.

Then I get home feeling rather sick. I managed one shot of vodka and half a frozen meal. Then I tried another shot and promptly threw it all up. Now I am nursing some almond milk because I know I will only feel worse if my blood sugar drops, but I can't handle the idea of solid food. I am hoping my stomach settles and I can drink. Not a great evening.

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