Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A decent (?) day?

Today went pretty well. I've decided to write here more often (sorry if it's too much to read) because really I'm not being fully honest with anyone.

Anyway, I had a meeting at school at 9am. I went home after to take a nap.. mainly because I was not exactly 100% sober and I was exhausted. I stayed up too late and drank too much. I didn't really nap, but I laid in bed for a while, and that was nice.

I had to be back at school at 1:30, but I went a bit early because parking is easier before 1. I did some grading. I had one student who told me she was coming.. she came in and I said hi. I think she thought I didn't remember who she was, but really I was waiting for her to start talking. Normally, the students who care enough to come to office hours will start talking and rambling over whatever they're anxious about. Anyway, she sat down and I said she had questions about the lab report. She still looked at me weird, so I asked what they were.

Really, my students are worrying me this semester, though this is not unusual. I was grading quizzes, and it wasn't just that the answers were wrong. They made no sense. One I texted to a friend was "A non-competitive inhibitor work as place where it stored energy. It would not affect [the rate of reaction] at all since it would stay low".. The question was about how a certain class of inhibitors affect enzymes.. this made no sense. Plus, I had lots of students saying the substrate (what the enzyme works on) binds at the side or bottom of the enzyme... because clearly they are always facing the same direction. It does upset me because I teach them the correct information. I even went back and looked at their lab manual a few times to be sure it says what I thought it did. I guess they don't read the book.

So after that, I went shopping with L (the vampire who's boyfriend killed himself) at an outlet mall that's about 30-40 miles from where we live. It is a huge mall.. we walked probably almost a mile to go around it. We went to a lot of stores, but I only bought 2 shirts. I kept talking myself out of buying things. Sometimes I have difficulty spending money on myself.

We left and had dinner.. I was a bit annoyed because I ordered something that was a grilled chicken breast. The waiter asked to make sure that's what I ordered, but what I got was the roasted chicken which is bigger and has the skin on. I didn't feel like sending it back, so I picked it apart. I didn't come close to finishing all of it (and the fries that came with it), and I was only charged for the grilled chicken which costs less.

Then we went to a grocery store that has a lot of unique or organic foods. I really am not a fan of "organic" food because it takes more land and more resources. People who buy it tend to be opposed to genetic changes in crops, which can be bad but mostly are meant to develop food that can be grown in harsh environments. Pest resistant crops and such are important for developing countries that don't have the money and resources required to make an environment where some crops will grow. I admit it's a complicated subject, but I hate buying expensive foods that many people can't afford. That's rambling a bit.. I ended up buying some fruit and bread. I don't have much food in my apartment apart from frozen meals, and I know I should actually be eating fruits and vegetables.

I got home pretty late and drank half a bottle of vodka. I am still feeling depressed and I still keep thinking that I won't survive this semester. I feel like either the alcohol will kill me or I'll kill myself. I haven't actually called my sponsor in over a week. I saw her briefly Saturday. I do realize I am letting my frustration with some people at AA affect my desire/willingness to go to meetings. I keep thinking I'll call her, but I know that I am not sure I want to stop drinking. It's killing me but it keeps me sane.

So it was mostly a good day. I bought a sweater and a shirt. Thankfully tomorrow I can sleep late. I've been exhausted. I really doubt I'll ever be a normal functioning adult. I really dislike a lot of my life, and I can't imagine it getting better. So a good day but a very depressed mind.


  1. Just wanted you to know I'm reading. You don't know me, but I read your blog every day [um, not in a creepy, stalkerish way :)]. I've struggled with addiction problems of my own, and I am pulling for you. It's clear from your blog that you are an intelligent, determined person (I know that most, if not all of the time, you cannot see this, but it's true.) Please know it won't always be this dark. Part of depression and addiction is the pain of not seeing the way out. It's there, though. Keep plugging away and know this: you are worth it. <3

    1. This past weekend my grand-sponsor (my sponsor's sponsor) hugged me and told me it wouldn't always be this hard. I have hope that like you said, the future won't be so dark. I really thank you (and I hope you read this) for what you said. I may not always believe I'm intelligent, but I do logically know that people who are addicts and alcoholics and depressed do sometimes manage a better life. Maybe I can manage that. Thank you.

  2. I'm always reading, even if I can't always comment, I'm here listening.
    I have trouble spending money on myself too. I think it's because so much of my money literally goes up in smoke, it makes me feel guilty about spending elsewhere.
    I've seen some really interesting stuff on genetically modified crops recently, and how they really aren't that bad at all and are really quite natural. The only thing I usually buy organic is eggs because I think they do taste better.
    I still think you're doing really well to be going to meetings as much as you do, even if you're not sure whether or not you want to quit drinking. At least you're in a positive environment (those few people aside), and hopefully it'll slowly but surely influence you towards the right path.

    Take care <3 xx

    1. I do admittedly buy organic milk at times. It's not because it's organic, but a lot of organic ones are more pasteurized and so keep much longer, and I am not always a big milk drinker.

      And thank you so much for being supportive. I did finally call my sponsor and told her about the people who upset me. She agrees with me about the people having poor boundaries. Another AA friend admitted being upset by one of the guys lately. It was nice to be validated since my sponsor knows about the eating disorder and depression and everything.

      I told her (and meant it) that I will keep going to meetings. The positive environment is better than isolation. I do believ sobriety is better than this. The next step will be believing sobriety is possible. I really appreciate your reading this and your support. Thank you
