Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Job day 2

I didn't have energy to write last night. Plus, my parents and friend (only one knows about this which I'll get to in a minute) were waiting to hear about it. I just survived day 2 at my new job. It is... a whole mix of things. It is good. It is bad. It is boring. It is scary. It makes me want to pull my hair out or hide away in the bathroom. The main thing is that it's early and long considering I've been sleeping 12-14 hours a day. Plus, I'm condensing my drinking into a shorter time (if I remember I'll explain speed drinking another day). It is a lot of human interaction. Not the quick retail sort. It is being in close quarters with people (5 that I actually interact with) who are all very social and all have a much better idea what they're doing than I do.

The work.. my real job hasn't started yet. This is a brand new business/location so this week is installing and ordering stuff.
Day 1. I sat in on training on a really cool piece of equipment. I filled out paperwork. I organized a bit. I sat around a lot. My immediate supervisor (the one I know from school) had this to-do list for us. Pretty much all of which I couldn't do without her. So it alternated me sitting alone staring blankly at equipment manuals or my phone. Or following her around quickly as we counted things and made more lists and more lists.

Day 2. This started badly. Day 1 I worked 9a-6p. She wanted us to work 8a-5p. I get there at around 7:40 because the drive took less time than yesterday. I sit around in my car.. no other cars in the lot. I text her at 7:50 that I'm there and she texts that she's on her way. Around 8 another guy (I honestly am not clear what his job is) lets me in since I don't have a key (this comes up later). I talk to him some because nobody is there and I have nothing to do until my friend gets there.

She shows up around 8:30. The day is largely spent ordering more stuff. This was scary because she had me set up an account with a company which involved actually calling them and filling out forms. I hate talking on the phone.

She gives me stuff to read. She leaves with a couple people to go to another location.  I read everything she gives me (about tests and genes and such). I run out of work while she's gone.. I re-read everything and look up more.

This is another problem.. these people actually eat, and seem to think I should eat too.. yesterday one of the sales people who was there bought lunch. One of my coworkers hands me a menu for a thai place and asks what I want. I say I'm not hungry. He hands it back and says to pick something. I stare blankly at it because I really didn't feel like eating. I pick something (some chicken stuff). I get to sit there with everyone and eat.

 Today when my friend leaves she asks if I want her to bring me something if they stop for food. I say I don't know. She texts me later they're getting tacos. At this point I'm kind of depressed and have no desire to eat. I say I'm not hungry. She says it's cheap and I should eat.. so I say chicken. She brings them. We don't really have a break room (well it has a fridge and a chair and nothing else right now), so I sit in an office and eat while she orders stuff. I ask what I can do because she's going to be on a conference call. She gives me a list. Find a UV light for the lab, 2 cleaning things, and to see if she can get something cheaper.

I do this. I mention at some point to one of the bosses (the one who made me order thai food) is around and I ask about my email being set up. He's surprised it isn't. I also say I don't have a key. The guy from this morning says he can program that (it's an electronic card thing). They leave.

The guy from this morning comes back. He asks what I'm doing (I'm looking at lights or something) I start to answer and he says he doesn't care. He may have meant he wasn't trying to criticize or comment on it.. but it came off very rude. He then starts to explain how they've decided only managers get cards now and that soon there will be a secretary to let me in. Then he goes on to say that he doesn't think they usually open at 8. I comment that I actually have the text saying 8-5. He says he believes me but it's not what they normally do and no one else is there. He says if my friend wants me to work that early she can let me in because she has a key. I don't say more because I'm really angry at the rude/patronizing way he's handling this. My friend WAS supposed to let me in at 8. She just didn't bother to get there on time. Plus, not long before he rushed off to get the card that he's now trying to logically say I can't have.

She has another call to be on at 4, so she quickly comes and gives me this list of things to find to order. I manage half of it because she was kind of vague on some things and because I couldn't really remember exactly what she wanted on others.. like I wrote down bottles, and I couldn't remember what kind. She texts me to let her know when I'm leaving and we can finish tomorrow.. so we'll finish tomorrow.

The other scary thing is that she was talking yesterday about how part of why she wanted them to hire me is I'm good at pipetting and this work requires a lot of accuracy. I am/was good at it. That's true. Now, I have hand tremors. I have these random muscle twitches now (think like the effect of a doctor using a reflex hammer). She doesn't know this. I know I need to quit, and I had this plan to stay with a friend so if I had problems detoxing someone would be there. I got this job before I could do that.. now I don't know what to do.

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