Saturday, June 7, 2014


I will preface all this by saying that I am drunk. I just had an urge to update on the past few days.

Thursday, a woman I know from school (another grad student) emailed me and 3 others saying she worked at a company that was looking to hire a lab assistant. I debated it because this was a big change. I desperately need a job, but this was an actual career sort of job. I told my therapist I wouldn't do it. It was too much. I talked to my mom and decided to do it.

I emailed this girl and said I was interested (this was thursday) she asked if I could come in for an interview Friday. I agreed. It was not a very long interview. It was awkward in that there were 2 guys there, so it was hard to know who to look at. Toward the end, they asked when I could start, and I said next week. They were excited. The boss guy said he had texted his HR guy to figure out what they'd pay me, and he'd call me.  Part of me was super excited because it was pretty clear they wanted to hire me, but there was that nagging doubt because I didn't have a real offer.

Today I went to AA at 1:30. I casually checked my phone (which was on silent) and saw I missed a call from the woman I knew who recommended me for the job. I went outside (I am not good at being patient when I know I have an important voicemail) and the message she left is that I got the job.

I called her back to get the details It's a decent pay (much more than I make now). I start Monday. She wasn't real clear what my schedule is, which is good because it means it's flexible. My friend (the woman that works there) was really excited they hired me. We know each other casually. She works in the lab next to where I do my research at school. She was the teacher for a genetics lab I took. I considered her a friend even though we never hanged out.I didn't think we were close enough for her to be excited to work with me. I mean she thanked me for going for the interview, when I am incredibly thankful for her to recommend me and help me get a job. I really hope things will turn out as good as they sound.

It was just so fast. I hear about the job Thursday. I interview Friday. Saturday I get an official job offer. I have been applying for retail jobs and anything I could find for a month now, and I got this job in 3 days. I hope this is real. I hope it  is as good as it sounds.


  1. Hi there :) Thanks for your comment on my blog. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but I've just finished reading through your archives and have followed you back. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling so badly with your drinking at the moment, but I think it's amazing that you're at least going to AA and facing that you have a problem. Awareness is the best place to start, I think.
    I think I get scared to write letters to therapists etc. because then it makes it so permanent. I'm terrified that anything I wrote would get filed away and held against me in the future!
    Congratulations on the job! I really hope it works out well for you and maybe gives you some more positive focuses. I've just realised it's Monday (or will be soon, depending on where you're located) - good luck with your first day!


    1. The AA thing took a while. I never really drank in college and since then it was mostly a few here and there. When I started graduate school it quickly got bad. It really did take me at least to admit it was a problem. Another semester or so to admit I needed help. Then only after almost 3 years to actually believe I was an alcoholic. Now it's just dealing with it. I do love my AA group and that has pushed me forward.

      The letter thing. I guess I hadn't thought about them being permanent. I will say that even when I was a teenager and she could have freely told my parents, my therapist never told them a thing and when I saw her years later she said nothing. When in treatment for bulimia (partial/intensive outpatient) I would hand them to my psychiatrist (and refuse to read them to her) and then she would give them back. That was my way of sharing my writing without having to speak it.
      It's not quite Monday as I write this, so thank you. I do hope it will be better than sitting home alone. I will write again tomorrow when the first day is over.
