Saturday, December 10, 2016


I have this idea that is a bit random. I happen to be much better off financially this. Christmas because I really don't spend much money anymore. Mostly it only goes to rent, bills, and food.

I have been trying to decide what to get my mom for Christmas. I really want to buy tickets for a play. She likes musicals.. not maybe as obsessively as I do, but I saw Rent with my parents and Book of Mormon. This year there is a series of Broadway musicals being done near me.. that's how we saw Rent. I am considering buying tickets for her and I to see something.. possibly the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. I know nothing about the musical, but I know she liked the book a lot.

The other benefit of this (besides just being something different) is that it would require me to be alive in January to go since that's when it is. I don't know for sure. I texted my dad to make sure they don't have plans. They have some trips planned, and I can never remember when they are.. several times I swear they didn't actually tell me what they were planning until right before. I don't want to spend nearly $200 on tickets and parking and all and find out they won't be in town. I should hopefully know later today. I want it to be a surprise, but I can at least ask him. I probably will only buy tickets for my mom and I because plays are not his thing, but I will try to get him something nice. Will update later.

So I ended up with tickets for the 3rd row of the mezzanine for an afternoon show. With valet parking it was about $160. I could have done first row for the same price, but honestly I am scared of heights and cannot sit in a row where I can see down over the edge without being convinced that I will fall. I know from experience and it is a bit distracting. And the valet parking is because I really hate parking garages and get super anxious in them. So in case I end up driving.. it's worth it. My plan is to wrap the tickets probably with a sticker over the price because this is admittedly more than I probably have ever spent on a present for her.

Work was actually pretty ok today. The only drama was that someone in another department contacted their boss I guess claiming our people were not dressed in scrubs. The only one who wasn't was the supervisor because it is technically her day off. I had a sweatshirt over mine but was clearly wearing scrub pants. Anyway our manager texted the supervisor about it, but seriously how childish is it to say that? Plus nobody was breaking dress code and I am sure we could find violations of plenty of policies if we tried. There are a lot of stupid policies since we moved to this building and we generally ignore the little violations if they don't harm anyone.

I managed to get up in time to buy cat food and I stopped and bought a salad for dinner and a latte.. oddly even that caffeine didn't stop me from being exhausted. I had a large caramel latte (which was delicious) and 2 diet cokes before work and still couldn't stop yawning. I am really trying not to resort to diet pills.. I admittedly have taken them occasionally on days where I was both tired and nauseous because it is easier to stomach a pill than to drink coffee. I managed to spend over an hour in the lab getting reconfirmation data. Yesterday I was a bit chicken and asked someone else to do it.. I don't know why but I am afraid if I go into the lab when I feel sick that I will end up vomiting on a computer or something.. no idea why. I did speak to the lab supervisor, which is challenging a fear. Today I thankfully didn't have to speak to anyone. I get very weird about the lab because they hire people so frequently and I don't know half of their names, and I feel like I should know more even though it isn't like I have been introduced to everyone. I am generally comfortable with anyone in my own department, but I get anxious about interacting with people outside of that. There are people who know my name but I can't remember theirs. This company is just a bit much for someone with social anxiety. But it was generally an OK day. Now I just need to go to sleep at a reasonable hour so I can manage tomorrow.

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