Monday, December 5, 2016

Long night, short post

I will update properly tomorrow (well later today). This will be brief.

Sunday at work was miserable. Definitely threw up and kept working. Had to put my hoodie on to hide the vomit that splashed on my scrubs. I went home and threw up several more times. I spent most of the night awake and feeling incredibly suicidal. Thankfully Odd decided to be cuddly and lay on me all night. I fell asleep around 8am after receiving a text from the bank that my account was empty. Except after panicking, I discovered that I am just an idiot with all my money somehow in savings. I don't even know. I slept off and on until 2pm. Showered and went to work.

I admitted feeling sick to both my old and new supervisor and that it's been going on for a month. I see my doctor in like 7 hours, so I won't be sleeping much. The manager kinda gave me a weird look when I asked her something. I don't think I imagined it.. but I have a giant scab on my super puffy face, so I assume it's related. I managed to hold it together. I didn't leave until 1am because I couldn't leave until everyone finished because the supervisor left early.

I was mainly just trying not to get sick. Now I'm hoping to drink one more shot and try to get a little sleep before my appointment. I am not looking forward to seeing my doctor, but there's not much she can make me do. I just hate admitting how bad things are and how poorly I am functioning. But I hate vomiting more.. so I will go.

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