Saturday, January 14, 2017

Guess who

Guess who decided it was a good idea to take 16 extra strength Tylenol AT WORK today? Then panicked and googled what the lethal dose is (way more than that) and ended up purging anyway. I have overdosed on Tylenol plenty of times (mostly in high school) but back then I wasn't also an alcoholic with a slightly fucked up liver. Plus, I took 10 Diurex last night which isn't good either. But I am obviously still alive.. so whatever. I wasn't really trying to kill myself I think. I honestly was just hoping I would collapse or faint. It sounds terrible to say I want attention. Really, I want someone to know that I am not ok. I did tell my supervisor that I cannot keep working overtime and that I am struggling. We talked about the meeting with the boss and HR guy.. I mostly explained how confusing it was, which she agreed about. We are back to being behind, but I left at midnight. Having purged dinner and hopefully some of the overdose, I had no interest in working extra. I am home now eating crackers and drinking pedialyte. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hun :( You worry me, you really do. I'm sorry IOP didn't work out. It is a hell of a lot of money for anyone though. I hope your days off this week have given you some degree of relief.

    Keeping you in my thoughts <3
