Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just like old times

So today is not a very good day. I think I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms. Either that or my meds are really fucking with me.
It didn't start until afternoon, which was how things used to be. My hands are shaking. I feel out of it.. enough so to make driving a little hard. I'm having trouble focusing. I don't know if this is alcohol related, but I had tremors back before I got sober.
I saw my therapist today and talked a lot about the ex-sponsor stuff. She thinks I should tell her how things upset me. She also recommended Al Anon meetings. I'm considering it. I also saw my psychiatrist. I told him (and my therapist) about the drinking. He asked how much and looked a bit shocked when I told him 10-12 shots. I didn't mention that it is sometimes more.
It's still less than before, but it's bad. I really never drank with other people, so it is hard sometimes to know if my drinking is a lot. I know it's more than most, but I wonder if it's a lot for an alcoholic. I guess it doesn't matter. I need to get things under control if I'm having physical problems. Tremors are not good.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the therapist was able to help in some way. Sometimes talking is the best thing.

    When it's causing such problems in day to day life, I really don't think it matters whether you drink 10 shots or 50 shots. It's obviously having a negative impact on your health, both mental and physical, and that's what counts in the end.

