Tuesday, March 8, 2016


My ex-sponsor responded to my text this morning that she isn't willing to keep my meds. I then asked for her to return the old meds she has since she doesn't want to keep the new ones. I feel like a pretty terrible person. I want to know why she said no, but I don't want to ask. I am a pretty awful friend, so she has every right. I doubted when she stopped being my sponsor that she really wants to be friends. I have caused her and others a lot of pain, and I asked too much. I don't know what to say now.

I haven't told anyone about the relapse. I went to a meeting, but I didn't share. I feel awful physically. My chest is still tight. I am really shaky. I don't know what this is, but I can't tell anyone.. well, I don't think I should. I don't want to drag people down with me.

I ended up drinking 8 shots last night.. then I was so nauseous that I purged before going to bed because I didn't want to throw up later. I bought a handle (1.75L) of vodka today for when I finish the current bottle. I don't want to stop now. I am unsure how long I will let this go on, but given how much I hate myself.. probably at least a few more days. I am feeling very alone and scared of losing the couple friends I have. I have isolated so much that everyone else is gone.

So that's my day. I'm working until 11 tonight, so I will be drinking late. I am debating going to meetings this week because I don't want to stop drinking, and I don't want to worry anyone. I know people will figure out that I relapsed at some point. I just worry that not going is going to make me crazier. I see no point if I'm just hurting my friends of being around people.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no. I want to know why too. I don't blame you. Maybe she just isn't stable enough herself and it has nothing to do with you.
    I hope you are able to keep going to meetings and you find your voice to ask for the help you need.
    Maybe you can not drink tonight? If nothing else you can remind yourself that drinking will effect how your medication is working and keep you in this hard cycle. I want so desperately for you to feel better!
