Tuesday, May 17, 2016


So it finally happened. The manager at work (one level above my supervisor) asked if I was ok. I had called her to my computer to show her another person's mistake. Afterwards, she leaned down and asked. I was having a particularly hard time with my hands shaking. That coupled with not having washed my hair for 3 days and being covered in bruises may also have something to do with it. She asked me to talk to her, and we went into another room.

She said she's been concerned and asked what was going on. I was honest. I asked her not to tell anyone. I said I've been drinking a lot (definitely did not say how much) and dealing with withdrawals. I held out my hands. I also said my depression is bad. I didn't mention the cutting because I don't want to worry her. She asked if therapy is helpful (she knows about it because it's come up when discussing my schedule). I said yes. She asked if work was the problem or stressing me out. I said it makes anxious but isn't the problem. I said it was mostly about school. She asked how that is going, and I admitted I want to give up. She asked if work was part of that, and I said yes.. but not all of it. She tried to talk me out of it. She said she understands how work affects being able to focus on school.

She was really nice, and I could tell she's worried. She hugged me. I felt bad about worrying her (and my supervisor). She didn't seem judgmental about the drinking, so that's good. I just couldn't bring myself to lie when she looked so worried. She says I can always talk to her and let her know if she can help. I doubt I will talk to her because I don't want to make her worry more.
So I don't know if this was the right decision, but it seemed right at the time.
Next decision is what to tell my parents (or anyone else) if they ask why I'm covered in bruises. I'm thinking of just saying I slipped in the bathroom, which I am pretty sure is actually true. That happens to sober people too. It is definitely less suspicious than saying I don't know, which is the truth.

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