Friday, August 5, 2016

A rant and a question

I apologize because I am repeating myself probably. I just need to.
I am going crazy. I am anxious non stop about everything.
I am worried about my drinking.
I am worried about withdrawal.
I am worried about the future.
I am worried about work.
I am worried I will make a mistake.
I am worried I already have.
I am worried about missing some update.
I am worried people talk about me when I am not there.
I am worried I am slow.
I worry that they think I'm lazy.
I worry that they know I'm anxious and think I shouldn't work there.
I am worried about other people's mistakes and questions and gossip and speed and laziness.
I am worried about iop and that the therapist has recommended inpatient. I hate how he keeps reminding me that their intake center is open 24/7. He added so are emergency rooms and rehab. I get his concern but it only leaves me feeling worse.

I have picked so many holes in my skin today. I itch. I am convinced there are bugs on me when I can see there aren't. I somehow convinced myself I have lice even though I haven't seen anything other than dandruff. Plus, I am tearing up my scalp by scratching. My hair keeps falling out. I got asked several times by the daytime supervisor if I was ok. I finally just said I had a rough day.

I kinda want to tell the manager or my supervisor so someone knows that I am so anxious. I didn't want to tell the daytime supervisor because I haven't told her any personal stuff and don't know what she knows. But is telling a good idea? I don't expect them to fix it. I just feel like keeping it inside makes it worse. I also know I am self destructive and a little suicidal and nobody knows that. I couldn't convince myself to bring it up in iop since he's already recommended inpatient.

So I am telling it here, and I am debating telling someone at work. Maybe there's something they can say or do to help. I won't know unless I say something. Also maybe telling is better than visibly seeming crazy but lying and claiming to be fine? Opinions welcome

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